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I was a busy bee yesterday, creating two ambigrams of my co-workers names. The first ist Rebekka. She asked me if every word could be turned into an ambigram, I replied “almost every word” and to demonstrate this I tried to create an ambigram of her name. Not a clever idea… The double “K” was a real pain in the a** and I had to put much more effort into it than I originally intended. But I think the outcome turned out quite nice!

It was the first time I tried this kind of font style and I’m really happy with the looks.

The second design is an ambigram of the name “Ursula“. I tried to turn her name into an ambigram some time ago, but I did’t find a nice solution. The outcome was so horrible that I don’t even want to show it here! But yesterday I tried something different and voilá, I created something that I’m happy with!

UPDATE: In the comment section John Langdon suggested a few changes to improve the readability and to achieve a more consistent look – and of course he was right :-). Even though I thought at the begnning that the suggested double stroke of the “S” would be a bit over top, I changed my mind. It is definitely an  improvement! So, here’s the updated version of the “Ursula” ambigram:

Thanks, John!